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hubei electric power中文是什么意思

用"hubei electric power"造句"hubei electric power"怎么读"hubei electric power" in a sentence


  • 湖北电力


  • Hubei electric power
  • The modification of main protection in hubei electric power system was summarized and a comprehensive review of its future development was made as well
  • The plan and construction of hubei electric power fiber op tic communication network were introduced and the suggestion for its future development and application was given
  • The network forming scheme was put forward in accordance with hubei electric power program - controlled exchanging network . the problem with network forming of voice exchanging network of atm exchange was discussed
  • The paper sums up the past experiences of energy in hubei electric power grid and tries to summarize the definition , the scope of management , the character and the management skill of energy metering
  • On the basis of the integrate security program being implemented in hubei electric power company right now and in connection with the security requirement of the enterprise information network , the strategy and thinking to cope with the internal network security and the application security of electric power information network were investigated , in the aspects of technique , application , security management and so on
  • A large amount of experience data accumulated through long term operation is introduced . combined with the definition of relative requirements , the choosing and definition of operation index of high - frequency channels specially used for protection of hubei electric power network are discussed and elaborated through calculation and analysis such as input impedance and channel impedance of transmitter , sensitive voltage of received signal , redundancy of received signal , warning of channel redundancy and warning of channel faults etc
  • With the view of economical and social development of hubei province towards the demand of electric power , the existing problems related to the development of hubei electric power were analyzed , the development target of hubei power system and power sources in the coming 5 ~ 10 years was raised , suggestions for the problems to be solved in hubei electric power development were presented as well
    摘要从湖北省经济和社会发展对电力的需求出发,分析了湖北省电力发展存在的问题,提出未来5 ~ 10年湖北电网和电源发展目标,并就电力发展中要解决的问题提出了建议。
  • The lightning resisting level of microelectronic device , the property of tvs diode and solid - state discharge triode , three grades protection for power source device , grounding and shield requirement for communication system to protect lightning and the lightning troubles in recent years at hubei electric power company were introduced
用"hubei electric power"造句  
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